========================================================================== Welcome to Bradford Mansion! ========================================================================== Bradford Mansion is an parser based text adventure game. To run the game, you require one of the following operating systems: * Windows (64 bit) * Linux (64 bit) * MacOS (64 bit). ========================================================================== INSTALLATION ========================================================================== Please go into the folder of your operating system. For Windows ----------- Simply change into the folder, and run the application. Make sure to read the readme.txt there if you encounter any problems, For Linux --------- Change into the Linux folder and extract the package. The Linux version is packed separately to ensure the file permissions are preserved. After unpacking the archive, you might want to refer to readme.txt on how to run the game. (In short: run it in a console window) For MacOS --------- Change into the MacOS folder and extract the package you find there. Then you can just run the application. This will open the app in terminal. ========================================================================== PLAYING ========================================================================== If you are new to text adventures, you should read through the help system by typing the "help" command. When you start the game and the prompt appears (>), type in "help" and press ENTER. It will explain all the available commands. Saving ------ Do not forget to save your progress with the save command before your close the game. ========================================================================== CONTACT ========================================================================== You can get hold of me, the author by emailing to: Lenard Gunda Feel free to submit feedback, comments or questions. I think I can answer with hints as well, should you get stuck :-)